So The End N Good Bye

>> Monday, June 29, 2009

Wish to tell u face to face
but don't have time to see u
Aint no time to call u
And (when) u call da timing off (way off)
At last I've no choice but sms.

This might be last for me to contact u
Don't bother to contact me too
Cuz im ain't listening no more
im no longer da same person u knew
n to me my (best friend) is dead.

i mean.. i know but
couldn't lie to myself (no more) that
my heart bleed even though I've forgive u
couldn't lie to myself
u r no longer in my heart n soul
(ain't part of me nor my life no more)
couldn't lie to myself couldn't
accept u no more
couldn't lie to myself my heart still bleed
when u came back.. (to me..)

U past da dateline.. i guess
So the end n good bye

Copyright Reserved rufar 2009

Yo!: dgn Bismillah idea hadir pd kul 7.45pm 27/6/2009. habis ngan siap edit kul 8.30pm pastuh send dlm 4 page sms tuh. ayat dlm bracket tu is part of it tp xsend plak kat penerima.sbbnye brape page lg nak anta hehe n yes bracket bestfriend tu bukn entitle kat semua bestfriend i but i just dont want to mention the person name. so i put it that way.

Akhirnye aku bebas.. :) n aku xnafikan .. I FEEL GREAT!!!


Gambar Header

>> Sunday, June 28, 2009

hehehe saje je letak... mcm senyum xikhlas..
bile aku tgk blk gambar tu
rupenye mmg xdpt utk aku sembunyikan keletihan ..
tp gambar tu 'model' xcantik tp gambar ni cantik
pandai kwn aku tangkap gambar huhu
xsesia bertunang dgn fotografer dak tu .. ^_^


Personality analysis behind the name.

>> Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Rufar just found personality analysis behind the name.
Rufar just took Personality behind the name apps.
quiz via facebook application

For RuFar whose their name start with letter R, below are the analysis result :

You are a no-nonsense, action-oriented individual. You need someone who can keep pace with you and who is your intellectual equal-the smarter the better. You are turned on more quickly by a great mind than by a great body. However, physical attractiveness is not very important to you. You have to be proved to be worthy for a partner. You have a need to prove yourself the best. You want feedback on your performance. You are open, stimulating & romantic.

wah agak tepat ^_^


Personality Traits By Blood Type

Rufar just analyze personality based on blood type.

RuFar who have blood type O below are their personality traits :

- are outgoing, and very social.
- They are initiators, although they don´t always finish what they start.
- Creative and popular, they love to be the center of attention and appear very self confident.
- O is most compatible with O, and AB

love to be the center of attention?? hahahah nah.. don't like it .. i just do what i have to do n saya what i want/have to say ..


"Affection based on month of birth"

Rufar just analyze their affection level.
Quiz via Facebook application

For RuFar who birth on month March below are their affection analysis :

- Attractive personality
- Affectionate
- Shy and reserved
- Secretive
- Naturally honest, generous and sympathetic
- Loves peace and serenity
- Sensitive to others
- Loves to serve others
- Not easily angered
- Trustworthy
- Appreciative and returns kindness
- Observant and assess others
- Revengeful
- Loves to dream and fantasize
- Loves travelling

Mcm same je ngan tadi


Personality Traits by birth month

Rufar just found Personality traits by birth month
Based on month of birth, Rufar could analyze personality traits.
(From applicatian via facebook) ^_^

For RuFar who birth in month March, below are the analysis result of their personality traits :

- Attractive personality
- Affectionate
- Shy and reserved
- Secretive
- Naturally honest, generous and sympathetic
- Loves peace and serenity
- Sensitive to others
- Loves to serve others
- Not easily angered
- Trustworthy

sape knal aku kowang nilai la sendiri tp bab 'shy and reserved' tu pasti ramai xsetuju hhehehe tp yg tu aku agak setuju la .. ( mgkn la psl tu aku xde bf sampai skrg kot haha)


Handphone oh Handphone

>> Tuesday, June 23, 2009

hoho dah dekat 10 tahun umur handphone yg aku gune nie
ia dah minta diri dah.. tiap kali jawab kol ke ia pun mati dgn sendiri nye walopon bateri tu 'full' lagi ..mohon rezekinye utk m'dpt handphone baru ^_^
aku hargai handphone yg ade nie ia amat berjasa pd aku
tp ape kan daya mmg cam dah btau je.. jangka hayat nye xberape lame je tuh..
hp tu kire dpt kat aku dah 3rd hand la cap nokia..
best gak hp ni sbb ciri2 yg unik gtu.. kalo jatuh dr tingkat satu maka berderai la hp tu sehingga nampak la segala isinye namun gitu masih boleh dipasang dan di cantum semula serta digune semula seolah xde ape2 itu la kelebihan hp nokia tuh which tu la hp yg aku gune skrg nie la ..aku pun dah x ingt jenis ape number siri nye.. haha tp yg nyata bukan la 3310.. pun antara hp yg best.. tahun 1999 - 2001 camtu la hp tu kuar ..
Tp skrg ni rata2 pengguna nokia komplen dah x sebest dulu sbbnye sikit2 'hang' lum sempat jatuh pun 'hang' huhu..

membuat kan aku terpk pk nak hp ape lak lepas nie...
aku pon surf la internet.. giler lamer aku xamik tau teknologi hp yg terbaru..
hebat sungguh mcm2 ley buat ngan hp.. slalunye amik gambar gune kamera hp mesti pecah, tgk spec hp yg latest amik gmbr pun xpecah dah pixel ade yg mencecah 8megapixel dah same ngan kamera digital yg kirenye koman la ye kalo ikut skrg nie memandangkan dah lame kuar kamera digital 10/12 megapixel (3.2mpixel pun ley nampak jerawat ni kan pulak 10 ke 12mp) melopong melihat semakin canggih teknologi skrg
lalu aku pun tgk ape lg yg ade pd hp tahun 2009 nie

skrg ley bertenet sakan, tgk map supaya xsesat larat, update blog utk blogger, perisian khas utk org yg gemar nangkap gambor, edit video, tgk tv, dgr radio, main game usah citer la mmg game yg best2 dh ley main dlm tuh, hu byk la.. sampai xtau dah nk ckp cane
tp cam biase la x 100% ade dlm setiap hp .. hp yg dicipta betul2 mengikut tema si pengguna.. kalo ske dgr lagu maka function utk mendgr n menyimpan lagu di'enhance'kan,
tp kalo ske gune utk bergambor maka function utk bergambor akn di enhance kan camtu la kire2nye bile dibace dgn teliti setiap spec yg ade pd satu2 hp itu.. kirenye samada ade function yg xde atau dikurgkan cth kapasiti or megapixel digital kamera itu dikurgkan..
lebih kurang 'x semua benda kite ley dapat'

so belek2 aku pun berkenan la kat satu hp yg bakal keluar (coming soon katenye)
sony ericsson Aino namenye hu dah xde nombor2 dah terus name je
dia ade adik beradik lain Satio ... -_- hehehe n lupe la .. heheh tp ade lg 3 spesis la yg bakal kuar total 4 jenis yg bakal keluar nanti. ni la rupenye Aino tu

xtau la kot rezeki aku dpt hp nie heheheh ye la kalo br kuar mesti mahal gler kan?? kalo dah mmg rezeki aku dpt Aino ni dah sah ade org sponsor hehehehe anyway ini hanye wish list mimpi di siang hari aku la
kalo xdpt xlak nk mengamuk tp kalo dapt Alhamdulillah ^_^

aku berdoa smoga dpt hp baru utk ganti kan hp aku yg uzur nie.. hopefully ia bertahan
la sampai cukup la nk bli bru xpon spai ade org nk sponsor hehe rezeki kite mane tau kan??


Blog ni adalah bertujuan

Mencoretkan ape saje yg terasa nk dicoretkan. tempat untuk aku meluahkan sesuatu tanpa berasa bersalah pun hatta ianya mgkn menyakiti pihak lain. pun begitu andaikata ada yg tersinggung aku mohon maaf dan ampun kerana aku bukan bertujuan utk menyakiti sesiapa hanya sekadar meluahkan atau berkongsi sekelumit yg berlaku dlm hidup aku ni agar aku tidak meroyan menanggung segala nye.. ececehhwahh!! ^_^

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